Thursday, December 6, 2012

Let's Get Crafty!

I thought I would stray from my usual posts about relationships and such.
It's getting close to Christmas, and we could all use some holiday cheer!
I've put together some links to various blogs I follow that have easy, fun crafts you can do at home, or in your MOPS groups.


Thrift My House - Sherry has a few things you can do on a budget! A beautiful Christmas ball wreath and a lovely, rustic centerpiece!

Take Heart - Danielle has a great gift idea for teachers! chalkboard vases with book page flowers! check it out! Peruse her blog and find even more creative, simple crafts for the holidays!

Chef Messy - Don't let the name fool you...this gal does do crafts! Kim has a wonderful and easy to make Advent calendar! go's not too late!

Create.Share.Inspire. - Rebecca brings to life a really fun framed monogram using buttons! simple!

Craft Snob - Sara shows you how to make some pretty flowers out of leftover fabric! then you can make them into headbands or lapel pins! or maybe even a necklace!

Sew to Speak - here's a neat and easy idea to make ornaments with scrap fabric! you just need glass Christmas balls, mod podge, and of course fabric!

I think that's enough to get you started at least! Have fun crafting!

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