Monday, December 17, 2012

Operation Baby Rescue and CRAFT4LIFE

On Saturday, December 8th, I was privileged and excited to attend an all day craft event (CRAFT4LIFE) at Sonrise Bible Church in Rotterdam, NY. Becky Hartwell, the church's MOPS coordinator, hosted the event to benefit Operation Baby Rescue, a non-profit organization that rescues infants in peril in the mountains of Guatemala.

Operation Baby Rescue rescues hundreds of children and babies a year from dying of malnutrition and disease. It costs $1200 just for one baby rescue. If you want to learn more about this organization, watch this video and visit World Help dot net.

In September of this year, Becky and her husband Lyle had an opportunity to go with a team to Guatemala to help build a church in a small town. While they were there, they got to visit one of the baby rescue facilities. You can read more about Becky's visit and experience on her blog. (I encourage you to read's very moving!)

While holding one of these malnourished babies in her arms, Becky knew she had to do something. Her thought was to hold a craft event and donate the proceeds to Operation Baby Rescue.

The all day craft event was super fun! 45 women attended and made about 10 crafts each to take home that day. All of the materials were donated and there were many handmade items that were raffled off. There were, and are, Operation Baby Rescue T-Shirts available for $10 each. If you'd like a T-shirt, e-mail Becky at (shipping is $2). 

Becky's initiative raised about $2400! That's TWO baby rescues!! Two precious lives will be saved!

Below are some pictures from the event. You can read and see more about CRAFT4LIFE here.

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