Thankfully, I was in a shopping plaza parking lot and not on the highway! Thankfully, there were no other cars near me that could have been hit by my flying tire! Thankfully, none of my kids were with me. I was able to pull over and go chase after my tire.
Now, I couldn't call my husband because he was out of town on business, of course! Isn't that when all the bad stuff happens - when hubby is away? So I called my father-in-law and he came and rescued me. He called AAA and had it towed back to my house and he drove me home. Believe me, I was not a happy camper. But what can you do? Life happens, and we just have to deal with these things.
Normally I am a pretty independent person. I don't like to have to rely on others. I don't like to have to ask for help - although I am generally quick to offer help to anyone who needs it. For instance, I am usually quick to step in and offer to set up meals for a family in need. But when it's my turn to ask for help, I resist it. I don't like having to go to my parents or my in-laws or friends or neighbors for help with anything.
I suppose it's a pride thing and I'm sure God is working on that in me! In this situation I had no choice. I couldn't rely on my husband, so I had to reach out and ask my father-in-law for help. As I've been thinking about this over the past week, God reminded me that we weren't meant to live life on our own. We need each other and sometimes that other person is just as blessed in helping us as we are in receiving the help.
It's the same with leadership. We weren't meant to do MOPS alone. God has given us all a huge community of support. We don't need to feel alone and isolated as we lead our groups and minister to the moms and families that he brings us.
A couple of weeks ago, I had a conference call with some MOPS leaders in eastern NY. It was a great time of sharing, training, encouragement and support. I know I was blessed tremendously by this call, and I believe the leaders on the call were as well.
One thing that came up was a request to be able to share each other's MOPS groups facebook pages. This way we can all see what types of things other groups are doing. I think this is a great idea and I want to share with you some links of groups that have given me permission to share. You may have to request to be added to the group or you may only need to "like" the page. Go ahead and see what other groups are up to! If you'd like to share your group's page, please email me the link.
Central NY group -
For Albany/Hudson Valley MOPS Leaders -!/groups/191305197560082/?fref=ts
For NY Metro MOPS Leaders -!/groups/mopsnymetro/?fref=ts
For TeenMOPS leaders and teen moms -
Go ahead and join some or all of these pages! You will be inspired and encouraged as you share MOPS leadership with each other. Go ahead and post a praise, or a prayer request, or a great idea that worked well in your group, or ask a question to get suggestions from others. We weren't meant to do MOPS alone. Let's take advantage of this wonderful community of like-minded fellow believers and build each other up!
"Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-11
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