2 Timothy 1:7 says “God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.”
Remembering and praying for all those who lost loved ones on that infamous day 11 years ago.
We have the power of God behind us! We shall not live in fear!
My husband and I were on our honeymoon. We had boarded a whale watching boat. I had gotten sea sick (I won't go into details!). I went into the cabin to lay my head down.
One of the shipmates came around to tell everyone that the World Trade Center was bombed. I thought it was a joke. When we got back to our hotel, we put the news on.
It was like a suspense thriller movie...I was in disbelief to think that terrorists would have that kind of audacity to attack our country. But that is just the kind of world we are living in today.
My husband and I sat there and watched the Towers collapse one at a time. We were terrified. We prayed to God that people would be saved from that horrible death. We prayed for family that were close to ground zero. We drew on each other's love, and the love we had for Jesus, to carry us through...and it deepened our relationship.

We cannot know what is to come from this world, but we do know what is to become of it.
As Christians, we have the Power of Jesus on our side. God tells us we shall not live in fear.
Therefore, go boldly through this MOPS year...take a moment to remember your past. Then take a look at where you are presently. How far has God brought you? Linger on those relationships that have come in and out of your life.
Could you have done better? Could you work on strengthening your current relationships? I think we all can. Draw on the Power of Jesus and His Holy Spirit. Strive to make your relationships better, stronger, more intimate...
and take the Plunge!
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