Monday, September 17, 2012

husband-wife relationships

As we Plunge! into this season of MOPS, we will be digging into our relationships with Jesus and the people around us.

As the order goes, we put God first in everything. Then comes family....and in that family hierarchy, your husband should come first.

I know, I know! There's sooooo much to do on a daily basis! How can we put our husband's needs first all the time?

Well ladies, we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Let's live out that verse!

We CAN do it! We just need to ask for help. That could be difficult for us control freaks! I know, because I'm one of them! I am that person who needs to do everything herself and never ask for help.
But this one thing...placing my husband first in my hard for me and I really need help!

Here is a great blog post regarding marriage and putting our husband's first. I hope you read it. There are a few more parts to this post that I will share later.

Remember...dive into your relationships this season and watch them GROW!

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