Wednesday, February 27, 2013

what you do matters!

Hey moms! Just a reminder for those of you who may have forgotten...what you do matters!

Lately I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself. I haven't been considering myself a valuable member to society because I'm a stay-at-home mom. I've been sulking about wondering what my purpose in this life is...and coming up with nothing.

Will my life ever be worth anything? Am I doing enough? Will my boys ever appreciate what I do?

Those are the questions going through my head.

I'm sure God knows all of my insecurities. He sees me through His eyes of truth and love and mercy and His awesome, wonderful GRACE! For without His grace, I am so lost.

Through Christ, I can see who I really am...and my life is not a waste. I must stop believing the lies that satan is telling me, and listen to the One who made me and loves me for who I am. God doesn't make mistakes, right? Right!

I came across this blog post that encouraged me, and I wanted to share that with you all.
I hope you are as encouraged as I was :)

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