Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What Will Your New Year Bring?

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2013? I cannot!
This past year has torn through my atmosphere like a rocket on steroids!
I wanted to accomplish so much in 2012, but didn't get to half of it!

How about you? Did you accomplish any or all of your goals for 2012?
And what about 2013? What's on your agenda?

I haven't made any 'resolutions' for the past few years now. I find them very stressful. Sometimes I will blog about what I want to accomplish in the year or write in my journal, but I don't make it 'official.' Although, I do think we need goals in life.

For me, those goals will be finding the 'simple' in life again. Having less 'stuff,' spending less time on the computer and more time in God's word, more prayer, spending more time with my family; just enjoying the simple things in my life.

Fullfill Magazine has a great post about saying "Yes!" in 2013. Whatever your goal or invitation from God is, focus on what matters and enjoy the year! I hope it's a great year for each and every one of you!

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