by Holly Rowlette, Area Developer
The craziest thing happened to me last year, I willingly volunteered to help out in MOPPETS. When my children were little, you couldn’t have paid me a gazillion dollars to do that. No way! I lived as a single parent for most of their preschool years due to my husband's multiple deployments. Why would I want to watch someone else’s kids when I don’t even get a break from my own? Well, funny what happens when you say never.
Last spring, I saw the opportunity to do the right thing and helped out one Tuesday morning in our church nursery. I got to the nursery, loved on some babies and had the best time. Those precious little ones smelled so yummy and cooed and smiled and loved to be snuggled. I was in a new found heaven. After that day, I kept asking God, should I offer to do this again? It was actually kinda fun. I was scared to say that out loud, because it seemed so ‘not me’. But, God said, do it. So, I quickly offered to help on a reoccurring basis. That led to getting to see ‘my babies’ on Tuesday mornings and Sunday mornings in nursery. Now, those babies aren’t babies anymore. They are toddlers and such. I’m getting ready to lose them to a different room and will get some new babies. What a blessing it has been for me to see those sweet faces all these months! To see them go from immobile to walking, running and talking—oh, my.
Obedience to God isn’t always easy, is it? God may be asking you to step out and do something you never thought you’d do. Maybe it is to step up into a new role, step out of a comfortable role or do the unthinkable and work MOPPETS. Whatever you are hearing from the Holy Spirit, take the time to talk to God about it. Despite your reservations, inadequacies, fears or failures, God has something special planned for you. He will give you what you need to do it!
Through my nursery stint, I have been able to get to know the moms better. The kids have a familiar face each week to come to. The moms are getting their much needed break and thriving in MOPS. It is a win/win for everyone. I have found a new way to serve and have been blessed with kisses and hugs and snuggly babies. I consider them ‘my babies’ and am thankful to have cared for them. And, thankful to go home to my children!
Holly Rowlette currently serves as the Area Developer for Military MOPS.
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